NZBGet is the ultimate lightweight usenet downloader. It will run on all platforms and has a variety of scripts to help streamline. one script is FakeDetector which detects spammy releases another is the FailureLink script which will request a new nzb if the download fails from your indexer (OZnzb and DOGnzb support this feature). This guide assumes you are starting in your user's home directory.
Install NZBGet 14.x from Source Ubuntu
Install dependencies so you can compile NZBGet
sudo apt-get install build-essential libsigc++ sigc++ libncurses5-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev unrar unzip p7zip-full -y
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
Download the latest NZBGet source
Install subversion
sudo apt-get install subversion -y
Grab latest source
svn co nzbget-svn
Go into the NZBGet folder
cd nzbget-svn
Create some magic files for compiling
touch configure && touch && touch
Configure with SSL
./configure --with-tlslib=OpenSSL
Compile, install and create the configuration file for NZBGet
make && sudo make install && sudo make install-conf
Change ownership of configuration file to right username and group, replace username with your username
sudo chown username:root /usr/local/etc/nzbget.conf
Install VideoSort which is a useful plugin for sorting video files. It is most helpful for when you have sent nzb files straight from an indexer to NZBGet. If you are using other automation software like CouchPotato, Sonarr or SickRage exclusively then you do not need Videosort.
Enter the NZBGet scripts folder
cd ~/nzbget-svn/scripts
Download VideoSort 5.0
sudo wget
Unpack the VideoSort Script
Your script directory in NZBGet will be /home/username/nzbget-svn/scripts
See if it runs, check http://ip.address:6789 with username nzbget and password tegbzn6789
nzbget -D
We will make NZBGet autostart on boot, make sure upstart is installed
sudo apt-get install upstart
Create the upstart script file
sudo nano /etc/init/nzbget.conf
Paste the upstart script, change both instances of username to your username
Note: If you have issues upon restarting, remove the setuid and setgid lines
#description "NZBGet upstart script"
#author "Ben Vassie"
setuid username
setgid username
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [016]
exec nzbget -D
end script
pre-stop script
exec nzbget -Q
end script
Now you can start the script with
sudo service nzbget start
It should show
nzbget start/running, process 27365
Reboot to test it
sudo reboot
To update from nzbget enter the nzbget-svn folder
cd ~/nzbget-svn && svn update
Configure with SSL
./configure --with-tlslib=OpenSSL
sudo make && sudo make install
All done :). Credit
Now you can Configure NZBGet