Sabnzbd is a usenet downloader written in Python. It integrates with Sonarr, CouchPotato, SickRage, Mylar and Headphones for automating your media downloads. With the release of the Raspberry Pi 2 Sabnzbd is much easier to run now because of the additional CPU cores and RAM. This guide will walk you through installing Sabnzbd on the Raspberry Pi with Raspbian and autostarting it on boot for added convenience.
Here is a quick rundown of the Raspberry Pi, Pi 2 and Banana Pi specs. If you are trying to figure out which hardware would work best for you, consider reading the Pi benchmarks.
Pi Unit | ||||||||
Raspberry Pi 3 | Quad Core | |||||||
Raspberry Pi 2 | Quad Core | |||||||
Raspberry Pi | Single Core | |||||||
Banana Pi | Dual Core | |||||||
Banana Pi Pro | Dual Core |
Install Sabnzbd Raspberry Pi
Install some dependencies for running Sabnzbd including par2 to repair rar files, if you are on Jessie you may need to use the 2nd line
sudo apt-get install python2.6 python-cheetah python-openssl par2 unzip -y
sudo apt-get install python-gdbm python-cheetah python-openssl par2 unzip -y
Add the Sabnzbd repository and add the necessary keys. We can use the ubuntu repository since python is cross-platform
echo "deb precise main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 0x98703123E0F52B2BE16D586EF13930B14BB9F05F
Now we install the proper unrar for arm7 to fix this Sabnzbd error 1 Warnings ⋅ No UNRAR program found, unpacking RAR files is not possible
Install the unrar package
sudo dpkg -i unrar_5.2.6-1.arm6_armhf.deb
If sourceforge is down you can compile unrar from source with these commands
If the precompiled package doesn't work you can build from source
sudo apt-get install build-essential -y
tar -xvf unrarsrc-5.2.6.tar.gz
cd unrar
sudo make -f makefile
sudo install -v -m755 unrar /usr/bin
If you didn't build unrar for Sabnzbd from source update your repositories to include the custom PPA we added
sudo apt-get update
Install Sabnzbdplus and sabyenc
sudo apt-get install sabnzbdplus python-pip -y
sudo pip install sabyenc
Edit the main Sabnzbd configuration file
sudo nano /etc/default/sabnzbdplus
Change the user to pi
# [required] user or uid of account to run the program as:
Add the host port for Sabnzbd to listen on – will listen on all available network interfaces.
I use the default port 8080 but you can change Sabnzbd's port to whatever you want
# [optional] hostname/ip and port number to listen on:
Ctrl+X, Y and Enter to save the Sabnzbd configuration
Restart the Sabnzbd service
sudo service sabnzbdplus restart
You can now access Sabnzbd at http://ip.address:8080
To make sabnzbdplus start on boot update the init.d script
sudo update-rc.d sabnzbdplus defaults
Reboot to test it's all working
sudo reboot
You can access Sabnzbd at http://ip.address:8080 and now configure Sabnzbd
You should also install the multicore version of PAR2 for faster repairing of RAR files