Do you want a minimal Ubuntu distro for your Orange Pi Plus home media server? This post contains the image but a walkthrough for building your own Orange Pi Plus minimal Debian or Ubuntu server image will be posted once the project is on github. It was made possible by loboris and the thread he posted on the Orange Pi forum. You can only buy the Orange Pi Plus at AliExpress for now. I have compiled an Ubuntu 14.10 and Ubuntu 15.04 Vivid image which includes the HTPC Guides Installer available for download at the bottom of this post so if you just want to test the distro skip on down. You can also install the Installer using the instructions below.
Orange Pi Plus Home Media Server Installer Image
Unit | ||||||||||
Orange Pi PC | ||||||||||
Orange Pi Mini 2 | ||||||||||
Orange Pi | ||||||||||
Orange Pi 2 | ||||||||||
Orange Pi Plus |
The HTPC Guides Installer includes most of the goodies in the table below.
The installed services work well with UsenetServer and Astraweb for usenet. If you want to know more about usenet read this article.
Torrent users, be safe with Private Internet Access for secure torrenting.
Login/Password | |||
Install HTPC Guides Media Server Installer
There are two options, the first of which is cloning the installer yourself onto your existing Orange Pi Plus image. It is designed to be used on a fresh system and support Debian Wheezy and Jessie along with Ubuntu 14.04 and later. The second option is to download the prepared image at the bottom of this post which has the installer preloaded for your convenience. The login credentials are root/htpcguides and pi/htpguides, for security reasons follow the initial setup guide to reset your SSH keys and password.
Install git or you can't grab easily update the repository when I add new features
sudo apt-get install git -y
Git clone the latest HTPC Guides Media Server Installer
sudo git clone /root/HTPCGuides
Using the Orange Pi Plus Media Server Installer Image
Flash the image found at the bottom of this post, the default SSH username is root or pi with password htpcguides.
Expand the SD card root file system
sudo fs_resize
You also should check the hosts file and add OrangePiPlus (or whatever your hostname is)
sudo nano /etc/hosts
Match the hosts file to include OrangePiPlus localhost OrangePiPlus
Ctrl+X, Y and Enter to save
Update the Orange Pi Plus Kernel
wget https://raw.githubusercontent. com/loboris/OrangePi- BuildLinux/master/update_
chmod +x
Running the HTPC Guides Installer
To get the IP of your headless server, log in to your router and check the DHCP table and look for the OrangePiPlus entry.
Make sure you are root
sudo -i
Enter the HTPC Guides installer
cd /root/HTPCGuides
Make sure the HTPC Guides installer is up to date
git pull
Execute the installer
sudo bash
Some required components will be installed, then you will be shown the installer menu.
Choose the items you want installed by pushing the Space bar key.
Then click Tab to get to the Install button and press Enter.
For each program you will be prompted for the user to run the program as, this must be a user that exists or the installer will exit. You should make sure the user has permissions for the directory you will be storing your media files (properly mount USB/SATA storage).
For Ubooquity you must exit root mode if you typed sudo -i
Ubooquity is having trouble autostarting on boot for now so I would recommend following the manual guide (the Raspberry Pi versions for now).
Orange Pi Plus Media Server Installer Image
Here is the HTPC Guides Orange Pi Plus Media Server Installer Image